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As educational institutions, universities play a crucial role in shaping the future. They not only educate the next generation of leaders, but they also serve as models of sustainability and environmental responsibility. One of the ways in which universities can demonstrate their commitment to a cleaner future is through effective energy management on their campuses.

Energy consumption in universities is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. The energy used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering equipment in buildings and classrooms can have a significant impact on the environment. That's why managing energy use in university campuses is not just about reducing costs, but also about taking a step towards a cleaner and sustainable future.

One of the most effective ways to manage energy consumption on university campuses is through the implementation of energy-efficient technologies and practices. In particular, by monitoring energy consumption, universities can identify areas where energy is being wasted and make adjustments to improve efficiency. They can also set goals for reducing energy consumption and measure their progress over time, helping them to track their progress towards becoming more sustainable.

This website contains the documentation of the Polito Building Operating System (BOS) project that aims to deliver a comprehensive energy management tool for the university campus of Politecnico di Torino.


This services provides a set of opportunities for different stakeholders:

  • Maintenance staff

    The technical-logistics staff could conduct continuous commissioning and thus verify the proper operation of energy systems and of energy monitoring meters during operation.
  • Management

    Automatic generation of reports on energy performance and sustainability targets. Get insights on Campus energy performance for different services. Detect anomalous energy management. Measure the effectiveness of retrofit actions or energy conservation measures.
  • Researchers

    Research investigations on data driven energy management strategies could be carried out by exploiting the collected data. Researchers could leverage on collected data to propose the POLITO campus as a pilot in international projects.
  • Students and employees

    Information on energy performance for different energy services could raise awareness on sustainability targets of the Campus leading to a more responsible use of energy from students and employees.
